Tuesday, June 24, 2014


June 16 - 29, 2014
While walking the dogs in the large grassy area in the RV park, I came across this cute little guy.

I picked him up from the middle of the field and placed him on the edge of the high grassy area and gave him a cherry tomato.
I had Box Turtles as pets when I was a kid. They weren't endangered back then. We had probably about six that found their way to our house. We built an fenced area outside and kept them for a couple of years. I named them and each had their own "personalities". Baby was a small turtle that I assume was still young. She liked to be held. Another turtle would stretch his neck out to be rubbed underneath. Every time we rubbed his neck, he'd pee. It was great entertainment when my friends came over. Hey, don't judge! I was only about 12 years old!
Mom actually researched about box turtles and we were able to have them hybernate over the Winter. We had to dig a slight hole and pile 3 feet of leaves on top. They stayed there all Winter and all survived and came out in the Spring. That was one of the best memories I have of my childhood.
PET PEEVE: Oppression
No worries. You don't have to brace yourself for my pet peeve to turn into a rant. If you follow this blog regularly, you know I'm quite fascinated by oppression. I love to read books about slavery, whether it be black history or unlawful imprisonment in other countries and the holocaust.  I am interested in hearing people's stories of overbearing spouses, white supremacists, etc. I think the common thread is not being allowed to live your own life. We have but ONE LIFE. As I get older, I know the time is more finite. I hope I still have 30 years left, but I've now lived longer than I will continue to live. I don't want anyone forcing me to do what I don't want to do with my own life. I'm getting side tracked.
I have known for years that Blacks are prejudiced against other Blacks for the color of their skin! Huh? You would think they would have more compassion for their own race since most, if not all Blacks have experienced prejudice because of their color/race. But nope...if you are too dark (or probably too light also), you may very well be put down by your own people! Oh come on, really? Why? Who cares what color you are!!!!!!!!! It is what is inside that counts.
Lupita Nyong'o who acted in 12 years a slave (I haven't seen this yet), won the Essence Magazine Black Women In Hollywood Breakthrough Performance Award. Listen to her speech below. She speaks so eloquently and seems so wise. She could be the next "Oprah". I had chills listening to her speak.

Here's another example of a Black person having too dark skin.

Just an observations as I wrote the above. I noticed the spelling difference between "speak" and "speech". Hmmm. I have to "speak" while giving a "speech". Why isn't it spelled "speach"?
From what I've gathered searching the internet...
"Speech" is interchangeable with "Speach" as far as meaning vocalized communication.
But, "Speach" is only used for the definition of vocalized communication.
While "Speech" can be used for both vocalized communication and giving an address to an audience.
English is a crazy language.
Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball - $36.00
My rating 5 out of 5

A while back I was having trouble with my wireless mouse. It was possessed by a ghost! Have you ever heard of such a thing? It was news to me.
My mouse was ghost clicking. What this means is that when I would click ONCE, the mouse would automatically click TWICE. Very, very annoying. Instead of clicking on something to view the drop down menu, it would double click and open. This was especially bad while I was working on spreadsheets. Time for a new device.
I used to use a trackball, first wired which always got in the way and second, wireless, but the batteries did not last long. So I opted for the mouse. Don't you just hate when you run off the table or your arm is stretched as far as it can go while navigating the mouse? I decided to see 4 years since my last trackball if there were improvements made. Scott didn't even know if they still make trackballs. So what is a trackball? It is a mouse that stays put. You navigate by rubbing your thumb along a round ball. If you've never used one, there may be a training curve, but in the end, I LOVE that it stays in one spot. This is especially nice since I use a laptop and it is usually, well...in my lap on a lapdesk. So there is limited desk space and the trackball is ideal.

I found wireless trackballs and reviews on good ole' reliable Amazon. Trackballs have improved! In reading the reviews, I decided to stick with the brand I previously had and am familiar with.
I chose this for 5 reasons:
1. Know brand with good rep and previous experience.
2. Price, under $50.00
3. Long Battery life (18 months)
4. Good reviews
5. The UNIVERSAL USB receiver.
See the little USB above the trackball in the photo? This is what "takes the cake" over other trackballs. Firstly, it is tiny! It only sticks out about 1/4", so you don't have to worry about accidentally hitting it. Even when I carry my laptop from one place to another, I don't have to take this out because it has such a low profile. Also, instead of needing multiple USBs for multiple devices, this itty bitty USB receiver can be used with up to six compatible devices.
A Cat Called CupidA Cat Called Cupid by Mazy Morris
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very cute story. This is written from the cat's point of view. I really dislike when an animal's persona is portrayed as a bitty baby, talking about their human as Mommy, etc. This book does NOT do that. Phew! The cat is quite a smart alec and full of himself. He is playing matchmaker for his female owner. He gets himself into some trouble but all with good intentions.
Take the book at what it is. A cute story for romantics and animal lovers.
Crafts from the past...

Since I'm just starting a couple of new projects with free yarn, and have nothing really to show, I thought I'd give a shout out to a NJ designer who joins us for knitting night when I was living in NJ.
Sarah Punderson of Sarah Monti Knits, is always coming up with designs. My favorite is her Seaweed Scarf. This was my first time doing short rows. Not that short rows are difficult, I was just inexperienced. Now that I would call myself an advanced knitter instead of average, I think I'll make another Seaweed Scarf as a non-thinking traveling project while in the bouncy truck.

Did you notice I stated "free yarn" above? It was sort of. On Ravelry, you can add your "stash" (inventory of yarns). Ravelry gives us the exposure to trade or sell from our stash. We can see other people's stash. Someone saw some yarn in my stash and asked if I'd be interested in trading or if she could purchase.

I got the above ribbon yarn for free when I participated in yarn swaps back in NJ. My Ravelry friend wanted the yellow and orange which was exactly what I didn't plan to use. Great. Let's see what I want from her stash.
Free with swap
Above is the yarn I received in exchange for my original free swapped yarn. This light fingering weight yarn retails for $19./skein. I received two, so that is $38.00 worth of yarn. It cost me $15. to ship my yarn. Not a bad deal! Noro brand yarn has deep color saturation which I love. Update on projects with this yarn will eventually be posted.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out. I read your blog with fascination. We are still meeting The second Tuesday of the month at Atlantic Bread in Brick.


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