TENNESSEE LIFE/RV LIFE/DOGS:I guess you can tell from all my book reviews, that retirement life is having loads of time to read. I love it!!!! We bought a house in July, that was live in ready. The kitchen could use some updating, but is in good shape and I'm not picky. So I get to enjoy just relaxing, and doing revisions as I want, not as I need to. No honey-do's for Scott...well, very little. Life is good. But, I do miss the RV life. Again, I'm wishing my life away. When I worked, I wished for retirement, just prior to retirement, I wished for the RV life. RV life evolved into country living and now country living is dreaming of RV travels again. Because we are in the country, there is not much to offer, well, except a nice quiet, country life. Which I truly am enjoying, but in the back of my mind, I miss traveling and trying new foods, and finding a really great RV park, and new friends, new culture, etc.
I am in no way wishing the demise of our dogs, but I can see since we have an 11 year old and two 8 year olds, that within 5-8 years, we'll be down to two dogs (presently 4 years old and under 1 year), and can RV again. RV'ing is never far from my mind. I was happy living in an RV although I wanted to experience having a home in the country, instead of crowded NJ.
I must admit, my life is pretty much complete.
In my 20's & 30's, I sowed my "wild oats" and had a blast during the disco era. I enjoyed the advantages of good looks, and a good figure (I had to work hard for the good figure).
I was smart and waited to get married and chose someone I get along with, and puts up with me.
I was lucky to have and tolerated a stable job with good benefits for 32 years.
My plan to retire at 55 year old did not happen. Nope, I was able to retire just 2 months shy of age 53!!!!
I chose not to have children. I was always fearful that in my old age, I would regret that decision. No regrets so far!
I fulfilled my RV full time dream.
I fulfilled my country living without struggling financially.
I've fulfilled enjoying my retirement and doing what I want to do.
Just two things I'm somewhat disappointed weight and my over commitment to dog rescue. But...I sure am enjoying eating what I want, and my volunteer work keeps me from thinking that I am not a useful part of the world.
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Typical day. |
I am enjoying the Jackson Underground Knitters that meet weekly at a Japanese restaurant. We have a private area, good food, and nice ladies to socialize and knit with. So far, none of the ladies get on my nerves. Really fun group. Plus, I get to wear something I've made and they've never seen. Every week is show and tell for me.
I LOVE this hat I crocheted. The free pattern is Women's Peaked Cap. And with temps in the teens, I'm appreciating the warmth of this hat. Thanks to Shirley for the buttons.
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Blue, named for her blue eyes, in her toy box. |
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Blue on left, and our 7 month old on right. |
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Best Buds, play hard and rest, play hard and rest... |
Stubb's Chili Fixins
Our rating 4 out of 5
Scott seems to do most of the grocery shopping. I mainly shop for the other items for the house, such as cleaning products. So when I do shop for food, I take my time, since I still haven't learned the layout of the small Walmart grocery section. So while strolling through the aisles, I saw this product. Scott really likes Stubb's BBQ rub and such, so when I saw a package for, just add meat chili, I had to check it out. It was only $2.50 and had a $1.00 off coupon on the package. Can't beat $1.50!
We added chop meat, onions and beans. Delicious!!!!! I don't know if the $2.50 is the regular price or not. I checked on line and it's much more expensive. I'll definitely buy up Walmart's stock of Stubb's Chili Fixins if it's still $2.50.

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
36% in and gave up.
This is probably an enjoyable book for an immature teen to early 20's audience. The "F bomb" flew throughout the book by all characters. Whitley is being helped by a handsome cowboy when her car breaks down. Would you start throwing the F word around when you first meet someone? How low class.
Then the continual bickering while trying to convince themselves they have "just friends" feelings, nothing more. Their hearts are too broken for love again WTF? I might as well join in the disgusting language.
It sure would NOT win my heart if a handsome, hunk of a cowboy started using that language around me.
A guy's looks can make me all hot, but when they disrespect me with that foul language, I'm outta here, but if I were using the same language, I guess low lives attract low lives.
Very sad example of our youth today.

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Free kindle download...thank goodness.
DeVon is slime or very unhappy or angry and taking it out on women. No, he doesn't beat them, but he uses them sexually and throws them away. But I guess that's not saying much for the women either.
A couple of shocking sexual surprises. DeVon is not a likeable character, but the romantics out there will hope that he comes around and finds a woman he can respect and tame him. Well, I'll never know. The book ended at what should be just a chapter ending, not a book ending. In order to really complete the storyline, you need to read the next in the series, which I will not. Book just left us hanging and not in a good cliffhanger sense, just a tease like Devon the main handsome, sexy, jerk.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wonderful journey into the thinking process of finding a murderer, possibly a serial murderer. And within that story are political secrets, corruption, and egotism.
Fast paced, murder mystery with a touch of romance. The development of the characters is excellent. Really enjoyed the book...hated the ending.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Really 3.5 more than a 4 star.
Paranormal, vampires, etc. romance/adventure. Very good story and characters. Another interesting take on the vampire rage.
Kept my interest the whole time. My only problem was being a woman in her 50's, the female characters, barely in their 20's were showing their immaturity with their giddiness, but other than that, I look forward to the next in the series.
Yes there were editorial errors, but nothing to deter from the story.
*Just checked Amazon. At $10.95 for Book #2, I do not think I'll be reading further. Just too steep for a just above average book.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I learned of this author because of his true life story "Dog Tripping". I gave his fiction a try because of his love of dogs.
Narrator was quite irritating at first, but then he grew into the main character, a wise ass lawyer, who seems to be a loser, but is actually quite efficient in the courtroom.
Murder mystery, courtroom drama, a lot of sarcasm.
I enjoyed the book, but thought it was just average.

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
So disappointing! I was sad when Anne Rice announced she would no longer be writing vampire novels. A few years later, lo and behold, Prince Lestat pops up! Yeah!!! Over two hours into the audio book and it is just creeping along. She seems to be trying to refresh our memories of characters past, which at time brings back fond memories of her previous books. But then it gets old. Too much detail into the previous covered characters with just a smidgen of new material. A teaser, I suppose of what is to come. But she took just too damned long.
I felt like I was listening to a history book. BORING! Plus the narrator was terrible! He made Lestat sound like the original vampire, Bella Lugosi. Very distracting. Lestat is supposed to be sexy and the narrator did not come across as sexy. Sigh.